Ms. Lori Berry, STEAM teacher at Orange Grove Charter School, is on a mission: to reconnect children with nature in meaningful and lasting ways. With the help of The Bee Cause Pollinator Habitat grant, she’s bringing that vision to life, one bloom at a time. From the start, Ms. Berry engaged her students in every […]
A BUZZWORTHY NEW SANCTUARY COMING TO CHARLESTON In honor of Earth Day, The Bee Cause Project announced a new partnership with The Woodlands Nature Reserve to create an onsite bee sanctuary within the 6,000-acre privately protected property located just outside of downtown Charleston. The sanctuary, expected to complete construction and officially open to the public […]
A BUZZWORTHY NEW SANCTUARY IN PUERTO RICO This year in honor of World Bee Day on May 20, a bee sanctuary was announced in partnership with The Bee Cause Project. This exciting new project is additionally supported by two Puerto Rican non-profit organizations Para La Naturaleza and Be a Bee and sponsored Charleston-based Dixie Vodka. This […]
BUILDING BEE LITERACY In celebration of National Pollinator Week this June 21-27, The Bee Cause Project announced that Whole Foods Market will fund “Bee a Friend to Pollinators” grants for 30 public libraries in Tennessee and North Carolina. The grants, made possible with a $20K donation to The Bee Cause Project by Whole Foods […]
The honey bees have a practice called festooning. When it comes to building a new home, and comb inside the hive, honey bees link limbs to measure space. This ends up looking like they are building an actual bridge. Community engagement and your Bee Program acts in much of the same way. The following resources […]
Easy recipe for honey fudge fit for snacking on all year round! Enjoy this sweet taste of the hive.
This year, we are taking a cue from the honey bee, and trying our best to adapt to new environments. Whether this is an online classroom, part-time school, or full-time classroom planning, the Bee Cause Project is here to meet you where you are with plug and play pollinator lesson plans. The Back to […]
The hive is alive! Join along for a digital ride inside a honey bee colony with your classroom. Learn about bees through observation.
The Bee Friendly Reading List compiles classroom favorites, personal book shelve must-haves, and beekeeper recommendations. This Reading List is updated often, and every entry will include the suggested grade level, Lexile Level, guided reading level, genre, and Read Aloud Link if available. This Reading List is Organized from Pre-K to 9-12 And Beyond. Please Please […]
To The Bee Cause Project Community: The systemic violence and brutality that stole the lives of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and countless other Black lives has made it clear that we at The Bee Cause Project have a moral duty to make sure our natural and built communities are safe spaces. Our tiniest […]
These guidelines are designed to help all Bee Grant recipients, educators, and supporters navigate the COVID-19 response in relation to school/community closures. If you have live bees on campus and need guidance for management, please review the following plans to ensure your safety, and the well being of our friends, the bees. Step One: Create […]
The Bee Grant offered in tandem with the Whole Kids Foundation allows K-12 schools and non-profits to provide interactive pollinator education through the STEAM based, Bee Wise curriculum. The latest grant cycle opens Sept. 1st, 2019 and closes Oct. 5th, 2019 for the 2020 Cycle. You can head on over to the Whole Kids Foundation […]
“In the end, we only conserve what we love, we only love what we understand, and we understand only what we are taught.” Under the dabbled light of a subtropical forest, the sweet smell from coffee flowers entices one of java’s smallest customers: the honeybee. Honeybees are attracted to coffee flowers for their sugary, high-quality nectar. […]
When we think of bees, we think of pesky, buzzing insects that sting us and ruin outdoor gatherings. We might wonder: how badly can we possibly need bees? The truth is, bees are an incredibly important part of our ecosystem on earth—no matter how annoying they may be to humans. Unfortunately, bees have been disappearing […]
Here at The Bee Cause Project we have several springtime projects going on. This past weekend our efforts were directed at the development of the Birds of Prey apiary in Awendaw. The apiary will include a combination of traditional and observation hives, raised garden beds and free growing garden space filled with pollinators for the […]
Girl Scout Troop #314 knows what they’re doing when it comes to the environment. These girls dedicate themselves annually to a new “journey” and immerse themselves in public service and education about their cause. This year’s project, “Earth and Sky,” in partnership with The Bee Cause Project, Troop #314 channeled their cookie proceeds into building […]
We are so proud of a group of young ladies at the Charleston Charter School of Math and Science for their efforts on behalf of the Bee Cause Project. Six AP Biology seniors organized an educational expo during the Charleston Charter’s Science and Math night. This group had t-shirts made, set up a booth for […]