The Digital Hive

The Bee Cause and its partners are on a mission to inspire children to learn about and protect these precious pollinators. That’s why we’ve created a Digital Bee Hive Experience – to educate our community of learners about this vital ecosystem. 

This Digital Beehive is an innovative and unique way to connect with the honey bee. Initially developed to educate elementary school children in the classroom, this program has grown to include businesses and community organizations to offer the opportunity to bring awareness of honey bees and pollinators to everyone.  The Digital Hive offers the chance to engage your audience in the secret life of bees and provide an interactive look inside the hive 24/7 without live bees on the grounds.

If you would like to learn more about how to bring The Digital Hive Experience to your organization, reach out to!

Photo: Digital Hive Experience installed at Savannah Bee Company in Savannah, GA