The Library Program
The Bee Cause Project believes that Libraries Need Bees Too! Through this program, we hope to help libraries make small changes to improve pollinator habitats and promote even bigger changes in their community while supporting pollinator literacy. This program is meant to provide the tools that libraries need to create a custom Bee A Friend to Pollinators Community Event. Read on to learn more!
The Bee A Friend To Pollinators Lesson Plan will guide the library staff through the steps to access community spaces and outline what pollinators need to thrive. Each branch is encouraged to organize a community event that will focus on children and families depending on interest in each area. Each library will also highlight the new literature that is available for check-out included in the Pollinator Experience Box. This is part of educating the community about the importance of pollinators. The DIY Pollinator Garden Box kit is a wonderful example of how to improve pollinator habitats in our own spaces.
Help us bring awareness to pollinator education, please share your unboxing and pollinator-themed events by tagging us on Facebook and Instagram @thebeecause. Let’s make sure everyone knows that #LibrariesNeedBeesToo – spread the message!
This is our inaugural year for The Library Program, and we are fortunate for the generous support of Whole Foods Market.
Please note: The World of Bees by Cristina Banfi is currently unavailable. We have provided The Life and Times of the Honeybee by Charles Micucci instead. All lesson plans for the provided books are available on OER Commons.