Back to School with the Bee Cause Project!


This year, we are taking a cue from the honey bee, and trying our best to adapt to new environments. Whether this is an online classroom, part-time school, or full-time classroom planning, the Bee Cause Project is here to meet you where you are with plug and play pollinator lesson plans.

The Back to School Bee Program is built to begin with the Six Week Bee Unit, and then adapt to your classroom as you see fit. The Six Week Bee Unit can be completed in sequence, or as individual lesson plans. Each of our new resources has teacher guides, are mapped to the standards, and are easily adapted to digital platforms.

The Back to School Six Week Bee Unit

Group Activities + Classroom Action

Digital Hive Experience + “Field Trips”

How to Use These Resources

Mentioned above, the Six Week Bee Unit is a great place to start. If you currently have a Bee Grant, are planning to apply to the Renewal Grant, or are waiting for the next Bee Grant cycle to open in 2021, we still would suggest working through the lessons in the Six Week Bee Unit.

The most successful Bee Grant programs first lay a foundation of pollinator curriculum, then begin to build support through programs such as The Bee Club or completing the Bee a Friend to Pollinators Lesson Plan.

The Bee a Friend to Pollinators Lesson Plan specifically addresses your campus or community as it relates to the health of our pollinators. Whether you are in the classroom, or at home, all students should be able to complete this lesson plan through their own outdoor observations. Then as a class, or Bee Club, you can create action items to begin applying what your students have learned.

If you are looking to dabble in the world of pollinators, the Monthly Buzz Classroom Calendar + Journal Prompts are the ticket. The activities of all pollinators changes across the globe, but some actions are seasonal stalwarts. This calendar illustrates what the bees are doing each month, what type of forage they are able to pollinate, and student journal prompts.

The Bee Cause Project favorite for any classroom, community, or library may have to be the Literature Circle Teacher’s Guide and Pollinator Friendly Reading List. The reading list includes the read-aloud video, Lexile Level, and guided reading level for each book. The Literature Circle Teacher’s Guide will help your classroom experience a book through the eyes of each Lit Circle role – each having their own responsibilities in this activity.

If you are beginning to build your Bee Program and curriculum, start with the Build Your Bee Program Quick Guide. This layered approach will help to lay a foundation of education, build upon this progress with community engagement and support, and lead to outdoor activities and habitat conservation.

All Bee Cause Project resources and content are free to use and download with attribution for your classroom and community. Please email for permission to re-use for commercial purposes. To continue your journey, click the guide below to continue growing your Bee Program!

Download: Quick Guide to Grow Your Bee Program

If you have any questions about the Bee Cause Project programs or curriculum, please email for more information.